Phishers’ Favorites 2020 Year in Review
The Phishers’ Favorites 2020 Year in Review features a list of the top 20 impersonated brands in phishing attacks based on Vade Secure’s quarterly analysis of 1 billion mailboxes.
The most impersonated brands in phishing attacks
Who were the most impersonated brands in phishing attacks in 2020? From long-time leaders like Microsoft to newly minted favorites, the 20 most impersonated brands in phishing attacks have a few things in common: a vast user base, a reputable brand that user's trust, and a network of cybercriminals willing to exploit them.
Key takeaways from the Phishers’ Favorites 2020 Year in Review:
- Microsoft is the #1 impersonated brand.
- COVID-19-themed attacks drove increases in phishing in Q2 and Q3.
- Cloud services overtook financial services as the most impersonated industry.
- e-Commerce phishing topped social media phishing.
- Emotet malware drove mass Microsoft phishing in Q3.
- Hackers are exploiting popular current events to manipulate users.