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Posts in the category
"Email security"

MSP Cybersecurity

4 best email security tools you need in your stack

In the survey for our SMB Cybersecurity Landscape Report, we discovered that 69% of small-to-midsized businesses (SMBs)...

MSP Cybersecurity

Email threat protection: what new report reveals about SMBs

For US small-to-midsized businesses (SMBs), cybersecurity and email threat protection are now a top priority. Decision...

MSP Cybersecurity

Account Takeover Prevention: How to Protect Your Organization

As a managed service provider (MSP), protecting your clients’ cybersecurity is the top priority. With cyber threats...

MSP Cybersecurity

The Time for MSPs Is Now: The SMB Cybersecurity Landscape Report Overview

The workplace has undergone a massive transformation in recent years. In the wake of a global pandemic, organizations...

Email Security

Email Threat Detection: What MSPs Need to Know

The cybersecurity situation has escalated to a point where every organization needs to have advanced email security...


The Challenges of Phishing Detection (Part 1)

This article is the first of a series of three related to the challenges that we faced to detect phishing attacks at...

Email Security

Q1 2022 Phishing and Malware Report: Malware Skyrockets, Microsoft Is the Most Impersonated Brand

After a holiday slump in December 2021, cybercriminals returned to form in Q1 2022. Malware and phishing volumes across...