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The Challenges of Phishing Detection (Part 1)

This article is the first of a series of three related to the challenges that we faced to detect phishing attacks at...


Microsoft 365 phishing email: how hackers are using a 20-year-old text trick

In the email security game between hackers and users, adversaries employ various forms of masquerading with a file to...


Apple and Amazon Invoice Scams Mimic Ongoing Tech Support Scams

As holiday season approaches and shopping gets underway, online receipts are hitting inboxes around the world....


Five Years Later, Ashley Madison Data Breach Fuels New Extortion Scam

In our email security predictions 2020, Vade Tech Evangelist Sebastien Gest posited that data breaches in 2019 would...


3 Ways Cybercriminals Hack into Netflix Accounts

Today’s Internet users aren’t the surfers of the past: we are consumers, and hackers understand this. When one person...


Vade Uncovers Ongoing Direct Deposit Spear Phishing Attacks

For some unfortunate employees, cybercriminals have found a way to make even payday a miserable experience. In a...


The Case of the British Airways Cyberattack

British Airways admitted last week that the personal data and credit card information of 380,000 customers had been...